Nøtteblanderen has several stores where you will find a wide selection of exclusive products in nuts, seeds, dried fruit, rice, beans, lentils, syrup, coconut and organic products. We are constantly expanding with more stores. Select your store on the tab below.

Our Shops

Nøtteblanderen has several stores where you will find a wide selection of exclusive products in nuts, seeds, dried fruit, rice, beans, lentils, syrup, coconut and organic products. We are constantly expanding with more stores. Select your store on the tab below.

Brugata 19, 0186, Oslo

Oscars gate 19, 0352, Oslo

Storo Storsenter (1.etasje)

Vitaminveien 7-9, 0485 Oslo 

Strømmen Storsenter (1. etasje, ny del)

Støperiveien 5, Lillestrøm, Strømmen

Sandvika Storsenter (Kjørbokollen, 1. etasje)

Brodtkorbsgate7, 1338 Sandvika

Sørlandssenteret (2. etasje v. Home & Cottage)

Barstølveien 35, 4636 Kristiansand

Kirkegata 21, 4006 Stavanger

Sirkus Shopping (1. etasje)

Falkenborgveien 5, 7044 Trondheim

City Nord

Stormyrveien 20, 8008 Bodø

Xhibition Shopping Center (1. etasje)

Småstrandgaten 3, 5014 Bergen


Lagunen Storsenter

Laguneveien 1, 5239 Rådal

Sartor Storsenter

Sartorvegen 12, 5353 Straume

 AMFI Moa (Nord, 2. etasje)

Langelandsveien 35, 6010 Ålesund